Know your body

love your body

The Anatomy

The Function

The Sexuality

The Strength

The Sensations

& The Dreams

“and i said to my body. softly. ‘i want to be your friend.’ it took a long breath. and replied ‘i have been waiting my whole life for this.”

―Nayyirah Waheed

I’m your guide to learning about your body without the shame or judgement. I’ve fought the fight to understand not just the physical side of my body, but also finding liberation in sexual expression where performance once ruled my world. I’ve become truly willing to and love learning how to better love my body. And I believe my purpose is to help others do the same.

I expand possibilities for individuals by helping them feel differently in their body first, and then by supporting their journey to exist in the world as the embodied version of themselves that they deserve to be.

The journey towards freedom within my body has been the greatest act of my life. And regardless of what else I accomplish, this fight to become a better friend to body will remain the bravest thing I’ve ever done. And I will fight alongside anyone who wants to unlock this same liberation within themselves.

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a pelvic health specialist, sexuality counselor, full-spectrum doula & doula educator. That’s a lot, I know, but it’s all brought me to this point, where I can serve in a way that fully encompasses the entire existence of who we are. And it’s allowed me to understand not just the physical, but the emotional, spiritual, and mental health determinants that are vital to thriving.

I’m not here to just survive, I’m here to thrive. And I can help you do the same.

Hi! I’m Dr. Ashley!

What I provide:

  • one-on-one coaching

    Maybe you're searching to understand pleasure, maybe you've got untapped desires that you're ready to discover, or maybe you just want to finally learn how to read the language your body has. The point of bing human is not to exist alone, but in community, and you deserve support. This option is also great for moms trying to facilitate healthy relationships with their daughters through the adolescent/teenage changes.

    Our virtual sessions are designed around YOU and what YOUR body needs.

  • Professional Workshops + Trainings

    From a group of friends to healthcare professionals and faculty education, these workshops are tailored to the needs of your organization. Common topics include (but not limited to):

    -Supporting Sexuality During Pregnancy + Postpartum

    -Sexual Health: A look through a holistic lens.

    -The Early 20 Something's Guide to Sex: What your mama didn't teach you.

    -Pelvic Floor Health: Revolutionizing connection.

    *In-person + Virtual options available!

  • Doula Education for Health Professionals

    In partnership with Allo Doula Academy, we provide professional doula education to healthcare professionals and students. This education is necessary for the future of medicine and how we support our birthing clients.

    We provide our signature 2 day intensive doula training on site!

What the People Are Saying:

I want to say thank you for the great workshop on a topic that's usually not talked about. It's awesome that you're helping us understand sex during the perinatal period. In a society where discussions about sex, especially during pregnancy and postpartum can be shrouded in myths and silence, your initiative is both enlightening and empowering."

— D.L. -2023 attendee of How to Support Sexuality During Pregnancy + Postpartum

We wanted to reach out and say thank you so much for coming to Tufts and training our new class of doulas!!! We truly could not do this without you! We are so grateful for the energy you bring and your willingness to work closely with us to build an ongoing relationship with MSDP. We have learned so much from both of you: the history of doulas and ob/gyn, the power of verbal first aid, supportive laboring positions, and so much more. Thank you for always offering to be a resource for us and keeping us as part of the Allo Doula community!

— H.C.- Medical Student + Participant in Doula Education for Health Professionals

"After just one session, I feel better and smarter about how my body works and have the tools and exercises I can use to improve my health - physical, mental, and - yes, emotional."

— B.S. - Coaching Client

Dr. Ashley is a fantastic pelvic floor PT. I saw her when I was pregnant with my first and not only is she knowledgeable of anatomy and physiology, but her passion and ability to educate about pregnancy was a huge bonus. Her energy was calming, and she has a presence of innate wisdom and confidence that helped me trust my body and baby during pregnancy.

— A.C. - Pelvic Floor Client

Let’s work together!

Please fill out the form below! Each workshop, training, and coaching package is tailored to the individual/group needs. We will work together to build the best option for YOU!

Additional information on pricing + logistics given during clarity call!